

Maddie McQuillin is a photographer born and raised in Milford, Ohio and is currently based in the Cincinnati and the Northern Kentucky area. Maddie graduated from Northern Kentucky University with a Bachelors degree in Fine Arts in December of 2020. Maddie began taking photographs while she was in high school and has developed a passion for the art of photography. Her work has a strong focus on family, femininity, and life in the midwest.

Artist Statement

Maddie McQuillin’s photographs often revolve around the themes of family, femininity, and perception and how they inform ones identity. She started making work about her family to try and understand what aspects of herself were nature or nurture. Through this process she is better able to understand the people and place that she comes from. Her work also deals with how the social and political expectations of being a woman have impacted her identity.



Phone: (513)-828-8701